Main Social protection of children Number of Children with Disabilities aged 0-17
Social protection of children
Number of Children with Disabilities aged 0-17
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Number of Children with Disabilities aged 0-17

Численность детей с инвалидностью от 0 до 17 лет включительно - График

Orphans  –  persons under 18 years of age, whose parents are deceased, or one parent is deceased.

Численность детей с инвалидностью от 0 до 17 лет включительно по полу - Гистограмма

Children without parental care – children under 18 years, without the care of one or both parents, in the following cases:

Person with disabilities – a person who has a health disorder with a disability, caused by illnesses, or injuries (wounds, trauma, concussions), resulting in limitations to daily life that require his/her social protection.

Child with disabilities – a person under 18 years of age, who has a health disorder with a disability, caused by illnesses or injuries (wounds, trauma, concussions), resulting in limitations to daily life that require his/her social protection.

Residential Institutions for children – children's homes, social and pedagogical institutions, boarding schools for orphans and children without parental care, auxiliary boarding schools, special general education boarding schools, specialised educational institutions, special medical-educational institutions, and other residential institutions for children.

Number of Children with Disabilities aged 0-17

  2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022
Total number of children with registered disabilities, at the end of  the year 49349 62196 65844 69111 72574 75712 79662 83041 86956 91573 94660 98254 104260
   by gender:
boys 42719 45077 47224 49695 52572 54760 57123 61047
girls 32993 34525 35817 37261 39001 39900 41131 43213
Total number of newly registered children with disabilities, during the year 9325 9499 10084 10485 10599 10834 11424 11608 11815 12916 11552 13131 14387
   by gender:
boys 5 551 5 841 5 912 6 089 6 376 6 623 6 736 7 434 6 781 7649 8497
girls 4 533 4 644 4 687 4 745 5 048 4 985 5 079 5 482 4 771 5482 5890